”’Haggis and Mash”’ is being run in collaboration with JISC and SCONUL as part of a two day event (25th/26th January) called ”’OPEN EDGE: Open source for libraries.”’ People can come to one or both days. The first day is the mashup day (Haggis & Mash) and the second (scroll down further) covers broader issues.
It is being help at the ”’National e-Science Centre e-Science Institute in Edinburgh”’ (http://www.esi.ac.uk/).
Assuming speakers sign waiver forms, all sessions in the main theatre will be streamed at http://www.esi.ac.uk/webcast
FULL ”’PROGRAMME”’ FOR 2 DAYS at http://helibtech.com/file/view/Open+Edge+Programme.pdf
Every attendee will get a USB Stick created containing a set of portable Applications (Windows Only) ([[full list here]]) – and Martin Hawksey and Sara Brown will be talking more about EduApps on day 1
There is more on open source in libraries on the SCONUL Higher Education Library Technology (HELibTech) Wiki http://helibtech.com/Open+Source
== Day One ==
(scroll down for day two)
The pattern istalks in the morning, and workshop time in the afternoon. Several of the talks will be about using Open Source solutions in libraries, and in the afternoon we plan to have some systems up and running so people can get some hands-on time with various Open Source software in the afternoon – this agenda will be updated as it is developed:
* 9:30-10:00 registration/coffee
* 10:00-10:30 VuFind vs Blacklight (Chris Keene, University of Sussex & Boon Low, University of Edinburgh)
* 10:30-11:00 jQuery and Juice – enhancing your resource discovery system with Open Source components (Matt Machell, Talis)
* 11:00-11:30 Coffee
* 11:30-12:00 EduApps: Power in your pocket (Martin Hawksey and Sara Brown, JISC Regional Support Centre Scotland N&E)
* 12:00-12:30 Exploiting Linked Data in Libraries (Julian Cheal, UKOLN)
* 12:30-1:30 Lunch ([[Haggis and Mash Lunch Menu]])
* 1:30-3:30 (or 4:00) Workshops
=== Dean Room Level 2 ===
** Hands-on with Blacklight – Hacking Faceted Search Technology: Blacklight and Solr (Boon Low, University of Edinburgh) https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/display/UX2/Hacking+Faceted+Search+Technology
=== Swanson PC Suite Level 2 ===
** Hands-on with Evergreen – get a chance to either install or just try out the Evergreen Open Source Library Management System (Mark Hughes, University of Swansea)
=== Cramond Room Level 2 ===
** Support getting Juice working with Evergreen/Blacklight/VuFind or any other resource discovery environment (Matt Machell, Talis)
=== Newhaven Lecture Theatre Level 4 ===
Short talks – ”’Do you want to contribute something to Haggis and Mash?”’ In the afternoon there will be the opportunity to do a short talk, on any topic you want, to whoever wants to listen. If you want to do a short talk, just edit this page and add your topic here. Talks should be 5-10 minutes long.
*** Introducing Koha (tba)
*** Displaying item ‘Availability’ information in non-library environments with Juice (Owen Stephens)
*** A “Love Libraries/Save Libraries” mashup challenge (Gary Green/Voices For The Library campaign)
*** Introduction to EDINA APIs – including Unlock (http://unlock.edina.ac.uk/) and AddressingHistory (http://addressinghistory.blogs.edina.ac.uk/) (Nicola Osborne)
*** OpenStreetMap – Verified GIS data (Bob Kerr)
*** Your talk here!
Other possibilities:
* Maybe something on enhancing proprietary products with OSS? Got an offer to talk about this in terms of a Primo plugin
* There’s a SLIC funded project at Dundee College Lib piloting open source and freeware assistive software (PADDI Project) http://www.dundeecollege.ac.uk/getmedia/38aec1f0-f5b2-4bbc-802a-37d4845267c6/PADDI-final-report.aspx
* Any attendee driven sessions that people want to run
Feedback on these ideas or other suggestions are welcome – please contribute at http://www.mashedlibrary.com/groups/haggis-and-mash/forum/topic/format-and-content/
== Day Two ==
Programme at http://helibtech.com/file/view/Open+Edge+Programme.pdf
The day will run from 9.30 (registration to a close at 16.30.
Day two will cover the following themes
THEME ONE: The landscape and opportunities for OSS library solutions
THEME TWO: Open Source in action
THEME THREE: What capacity do we need for OSS to flourish in libraries?
THEME FOUR: Steps to building capacity in the library community.
== Evening suggestions ==
Please feel free to add any suggestions for pubs/restaurants etc. here
=== Pubs ===
* [http://www.assemblybar.co.uk/ Assembly Bar] – popular local bar frequented by students and staff opposite McEwan Hall
* [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/10/10758/Doctors/Edinburgh Doctors, Teviot Pl] (can’t tell you how much I hate Doctors ~mhawksey)
* [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/51/5175/Guildford_Arms/Edinburgh Guildford Arms, Register St]
* [http://www.list.co.uk/place/100198-the-pear-tree-house/ Peartree] – students pub with a beer garden.
* [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/40/40207/Royal_Oak/Edinburgh Royal Oak, Infirmary St.]
* [http://www.thevoodoorooms.com/ Voodoo Rooms, 19a West Register Street – recommended for cocktails (though pricey)]
Recommended for Real Ale:
* [http://www.list.co.uk/place/22427-the-bow-bar/ Bow Bar, 80 West Bow, Victoria Street]
* [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/55/5505/Blue_Blazer/Edinburgh Blue Blazer, 2 Spittal Street]
* [http://www.caferoyal.org.uk/thebar.htm Cafe Royal, 19 West Register Street (off the East End of Princes Street)]
* [http://www.royal-oak-folk.com/ Royal Oak, 1 Infirmary St – includes bonus folk music]
=== Restaurants ===
* [http://www.best-restaurant.co.uk/ b’est] – A place to have some haggis! Nice French restaurant, few doors away from Black Medicine (below).
* [http://www.black-bos.com/ Black Bo’s] – Vegetarian Restaurant & Bar
* [http://www.blackmed.co.uk/ Black Medicine] – Local cafe with Totem poles! Opposite Old College
* City Cafe – Fresh fish… and chips, the newly refurbished red building right next to the Festival Theatre, breaded haddock is the best
* [http://www.elephanthouse.biz/ Elephant House] – allegedly the home of Harry Potter though many nearby cafes could claim the same. The hot food is basic but good and the atmosphere is fun. There’s even a piano and a lovely view of the castle in the back room.
* [http://www.kalpnarestaurant.com/ Kalpna, 2-3 St Patrick Street] – the best Indian vegetarian restaurant in town including dishes like cashew curry!
* [http://www.illegaljacks.co.uk/main.html Illegal Jacks] – Independent Tex Mex: burritos, tacos, and BrewDog beer. Comes recommended by a friend 🙂
* [http://www.list.co.uk/place/102602-mosque-kitchen/ Mosque Kitchen, 20 Potterrow] – Cheap genearous servings of hearty curries cooked by the good people of the mosque – its all long outside tables and it closes around 7 but it’s worth noting if early hunger pangs hit!
* [http://www.motherindiaglasgow.co.uk/index.php?action=cms.edin Mother India Cafe] – Unique Indian food served in small dishes, next to Royal Oak (above)
* [http://www.monstermashcafe.co.uk/menus.html MUMS (formerly Monster Mash)] – comfort nosh (including haggis neeps and tatties!)
* [http://www.namastektm.co.uk/ Namastekatmandu, 17-19 Forrest Road] – Napalese and Indian food
* [http://www.list.co.uk/place/103620-spoon-cafe-bistro/ Spoon, 6a Nicholson Street] – New and excellent restaurant with fresh modern european seasonal menu. Mid price.
* [http://www.suruchirestaurant.com/menus Suruchi] – Indian, has menu in Scots!
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