• Group logo of Wiki
    active 12 years, 2 months ago

    Questions/discussions about the wiki.

    Public Group / 3 members
  • Group logo of VuFind (virtual) bootcamp
    active 12 years, 4 months ago

    I’m thinking of doing a set of half-hour support sessions to help people get VuFind installations up and running on their PCs/Laptops. The intention is just to get people playing with this – not get service level […]

    Public Group / 7 members
  • Group logo of Haggis and Mash
    active 12 years, 9 months ago

    There has been quite a bit of interest in a Mashed Library event in Scotland. This group is for those who are interested in either organising or attending such an event, and will include forums to discuss the […]

    Public Group / 19 members
  • Group logo of Opening up Data
    active 13 years, 3 months ago

    Group relating to the creation and release of data for scholarly research. Includes the release of metadata describing resources as well as data and resources (in digital format)

    Public Group / 1 member
  • Group logo of Voices For The Library Mashup Challenge
    active 13 years, 6 months ago

    In August last year I set up a few Twitter archives using the Twapperkeeper service. The archives were based around the theme of ‘Love libraries’ , ‘Save Libraries’ and stored any tweets that used combina […]

    Public Group / 1 member
  • Group logo of MashSpa
    active 13 years, 10 months ago

    Group for discussing MashSpa (http://blogs.ukoln.ac.uk/mashspa/)

    Public Group / 2 members
  • Group logo of Chips and Mash (Huddersfield, July 2010)
    active 14 years ago

    Group for discussing the ”Chips and Mash” event to be held on 30th July at Huddersfield

    Public Group / 22 members